Sunday, February 8, 2015

New app

 The app I chose to download is called Yummly. With a name like that how can you resist? It is really cool and has some great features.This is the opening page/home page.

The idea is pretty neat I think. It shows you pictures of every item. If you like it, you click on the Yum button. The recipe is then generated into an online recipe box.

There are a few notifications 
on this page that you can

This is where you 
also find the terms of service
and the privacy policy as well
as info on the site. It was 
launched in 2010 by 

    If you click on an item, this page pops up.This is where you get all the details on your selection. This has 7 ingredients. You can click on the other buttons to get the directions and the nutritional values. 

Adjust your settings on this page. On the Dietary preferences you can add any of your allergies and you can select certain types of diets ranging from vegetarian to paleo. You can even add ingredients that you don't like.


 The last page I will tempt you with is your recipe box
or "My Yums". It categorizes all your recipes for you.
Besides all the pictures, my other favorite thing is that it 
generates what you like and finds more recipes like those.   
I can't wait to try some of these recipes out!