Sunday, April 5, 2015

2 Days Without...

         So today I will finally post on my 24 hour abstinence of connectivity. My boyfriend and I have a long distance relationship and we rely on the internet to keep connected. The only time that I was able to do this assignment was during spring break when I was visiting him. My friends and family don't usually bug me when I go to California. I usually text that I have arrived safely then not for a few days anyhow. 
       The first day I woke up, went to breakfast, then treated myself to some shopping. I left my phone in the hotel and just enjoyed myself. The only problem was that I had was no watch. I rely on my phone for more things than I realize, or want to admit to. On my way back to the hotel, I stopped for dinner. Sam and I enjoyed dinner together and then we hung out watching TV and drinking wine. (Does television count as technology?)
        Day two I got up and had breakfast down in the lobby. I sat and enjoyed people watching. There was a group of Muslims staying at the same hotel. They were traditionally dressed. They were very interesting and I tried not to stare as I observed their presence. There were a little boy probably 4 and a little girl about 3 playing with each other. They were cute teasing and playing together like brother and sister.
         After breakfast, I went to my room to catch up on homework. I read three different chapters, (this went much faster not being interrupted by texts and phone calls) and wrote two of the four responses that were due. I do admit that I used my computer to type my responses, but I didn't connect my computer to the internet at the hotel. I feel like I was present in the now during those two days instead of only catching half the conversation as it flies by while I'm distracted... Did you say something? 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Best Device

I decided to look into Carbon Nanotubes. I know nothing about technology so in talking to a friend, he suggested this topic. This is pretty amazing to me. "With their extraordinary strength and fascinating knack for conducting electricity and heat, nanotubes are finding applications in everything from cancer treatments to hydrogen cars," according to the website, The site goes on to talk about 9 new ways this technology could work. From things like x-rays and CT scans to helping to diagnose medical conditions and helping to eradicate tumors, in addition to helping to revolutionize electronics and even the hydrogen car. The site does not claim all things will work, but hopes to get even one or two of these possibilities. "With their extraordinary strength and fascinating knack for conducting electricity and heat, nanotubes are finding applications in everything from cancer treatments to hydrogen cars. These structures of carbon may be tiny—a nanotube's diameter is about 10,000 times smaller than a human hair—but their impact on science and technology has been enormous."

This technology could have amazing impacts on our future. 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

New app

 The app I chose to download is called Yummly. With a name like that how can you resist? It is really cool and has some great features.This is the opening page/home page.

The idea is pretty neat I think. It shows you pictures of every item. If you like it, you click on the Yum button. The recipe is then generated into an online recipe box.

There are a few notifications 
on this page that you can

This is where you 
also find the terms of service
and the privacy policy as well
as info on the site. It was 
launched in 2010 by 

    If you click on an item, this page pops up.This is where you get all the details on your selection. This has 7 ingredients. You can click on the other buttons to get the directions and the nutritional values. 

Adjust your settings on this page. On the Dietary preferences you can add any of your allergies and you can select certain types of diets ranging from vegetarian to paleo. You can even add ingredients that you don't like.


 The last page I will tempt you with is your recipe box
or "My Yums". It categorizes all your recipes for you.
Besides all the pictures, my other favorite thing is that it 
generates what you like and finds more recipes like those.   
I can't wait to try some of these recipes out!  

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The medium is the message is the medium...

We as a society believe that one of our fundamental rights is to connect to the internet.The medium is the message is the medium has so many possible meanings.  There are so many mediums out there right now it is hard to keep up with them. Media started out simply and as technology has advanced, it has also. With all the devices used to transfer messages, how we understand or view the message becomes the means. Everything we want to know is on the internet, but depending on the source would depend on the answer. We could text a friend, email someone, watch a youtube video, or in my case, call tech support.

There are many ways to send messages. The fact that I chose to write in purple is sending a message right now. As long as we can connect, we can access different media means and continue to send messages via different media. It is a cycle that is continuous and each depend on the other.