Sunday, April 5, 2015

2 Days Without...

         So today I will finally post on my 24 hour abstinence of connectivity. My boyfriend and I have a long distance relationship and we rely on the internet to keep connected. The only time that I was able to do this assignment was during spring break when I was visiting him. My friends and family don't usually bug me when I go to California. I usually text that I have arrived safely then not for a few days anyhow. 
       The first day I woke up, went to breakfast, then treated myself to some shopping. I left my phone in the hotel and just enjoyed myself. The only problem was that I had was no watch. I rely on my phone for more things than I realize, or want to admit to. On my way back to the hotel, I stopped for dinner. Sam and I enjoyed dinner together and then we hung out watching TV and drinking wine. (Does television count as technology?)
        Day two I got up and had breakfast down in the lobby. I sat and enjoyed people watching. There was a group of Muslims staying at the same hotel. They were traditionally dressed. They were very interesting and I tried not to stare as I observed their presence. There were a little boy probably 4 and a little girl about 3 playing with each other. They were cute teasing and playing together like brother and sister.
         After breakfast, I went to my room to catch up on homework. I read three different chapters, (this went much faster not being interrupted by texts and phone calls) and wrote two of the four responses that were due. I do admit that I used my computer to type my responses, but I didn't connect my computer to the internet at the hotel. I feel like I was present in the now during those two days instead of only catching half the conversation as it flies by while I'm distracted... Did you say something? 

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